Open Book Growth Pilot

The growth pilot for Open Book has come to an end after the allocated five sessions. I was lucky to get to work with a lovely group of folk from across Aberdeenshire, exploring poems and stories from a selection of writers and then sharing our own work through a series of writing exercises. We explored the themes of adventure, gardening, ritual, home and strangers. As a Lead Reader, it was great to see new people coming along each session, to see the group develop and grow, and to hear all the responses to the writing exercises. Some feedback from those attending below:

“Enjoyed having the space and time to immerse myself in writing & creativity.  Meeting liked minded people. Being led with themes & timed writing.”

“Really enjoyed the event it was good to get the chance of close reading/poetry/prose and to meet new people.”

“Enjoyed the opportunity to meet with other people keen on writing and discussion and get feedback. It feels like an inspirational and safe space. Thank you.”

“Didn’t feel under pressure, even with the poem. The pace of the class was perfect. I feel inspired to carry on writing.”

It’s lovely to read these comments and to have been part of the Open Book story. The focus on removing barriers and connecting communities through literature is a model that works. If there is funding available in future, I hope to be able to continue the group, and will know more come the autumn. Keeping my fingers crossed until then.

An Open Book

Really excited to be setting up a new Open Book writing group in Aberdeenshire in the coming weeks.

Open Book are a fantastic organisation, set up in 2013 to help build communities through shared reading. Their groups now encompass creative writing and have been set up across Scotland. They are expanding their current provision with a Growth Pilot of 5 further groups in areas not currently served and which I’m very happy to be a part of.

Details will follow!